Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Love is in the Air

Since Valentine’s Day is coming up, I can’t help but think about the topic of love. Here are some fun questions to throw around with your special someone. I am going to answer them too!

How did you know you were in love with your special someone?
Even though I knew for a while that I was in love with Grant, it wasn't until we got back from a weekend trip to visit my sister that it hit me. I remember he dropped me back home to my apartment and I suddenly got this overwhelming feeling of the love I had for him. It was a feeling that I could not live without him and that I wanted to be with him forever. I never had that with anyone else I ever dated.

What is your favorite thing your special someone does for you?
My favorite thing is when we are watching a movie or one of our favorite shows together that he will grab my feet and massage them. I especially love this when I am pregnant!

What is your favorite date you ever had together?
My favorite date is honestly our very first date we had together. It was a simple date which entailed a summer night in the park eating snow cones, but yet seemed so magical. We talked endlessly and got to know each other well. It was the first time I felt 100% comfortable with a guy and could be myself. I just knew he was pretty special.

When did that special someone first spark your interest?
It was when I met him in Juneau, Alaska of the summer of 2007. I came home from that trip definitely interested in getting to know him more.

What was the first thing that attracted you to your special someone?
Well honestly I was first attracted to him physically, but after getting to know him more I was very attracted to his ambition in life. He had lots of goals set and I can't resist a smart, ambitious, genuine, handsome guy!

My special someone, Grant. Married April 12, 2008

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